Product Photography Prices UK

We aim to stick to them, but the prices below may not cover complex assignments - please contact us for a quote tailored to your project.

Pack Shots

No. Images Required (From)
No. Images Required (To)
Cost Per Image

These fees include clipping paths & drop shadow, any colour background dropped in (usually white, but you can be more adventurous!), minor cosmetic retouching (dust removal, perspective & colour correction), and contrast boost.
The above rates are for standard complexity items. Please get in touch for a quote for very complex items (e.g.: many holes in a product to be cut out, such as bicycle spokes).

  • £5 per image for adding reflection under product
  • £10 per image for grouped product shots
  • £15 per image for focus stacking
  • £20 per item processing fees for groups of products requiring to be shot in one image

Product Photography + AI

No. Images Required (From)
No. Images Required (To)
Cost Per Image

These fees include 3 AI background iterations which will be shown to you for your selection prior to composite work being carried out.
They are also based on myself having taken the pack shot of your product to composite with an AI background (please see fees above), if this is not the case and you have an image that you would like me to composite, please seek permission from the original photographer and provide me with a high quality non-lossy file format, such as a TIFF to work from.

Amazon Product Photography Packages


£105 one product
Shoot fee
7 Edited Packshots
clipped out onto
a white background
Close up detail shots
to display the quality of the product
One simple infographic
Online gallery
to make selections from
Standard Editing

Standard + Bells

£145 one product
Shoot fees
white background + one
AI backdrop composition
8 Edited Images
from a mix of
packshots, one AI backdrop composition
and close-up
detail shots
One simple infographic
Online gallery
to make selections from
Standard Editing

Standard + Bells + Whistles

£295 one product
Shoot fees
white background +
one composite with AI background +
one small outdoors shoot
10 Edited Images
from a mix of
packshots, AI background,
close-up detail shots +
outdoor shots
Up to 3 simple infographics
Online gallery
to make selections from
Standard Editing

Outdoors Product Photography Packages


£245 one location
Shoot fee
Up to 3 products taken on shoot
Online gallery
to make selections from
All images provided from the shoot
with basic post production
(lens perspective + exposure correction)
10 x key marketing shots
with full post-production -
minor cosmetic retouching,
dodging and burning, etc

Standard + Bells

£395 two locations
Shoot fees
Up to 6 products taken on shoot
Online gallery
to make selections from
All images provided from the shoot
with basic post production
(lens perspective + exposure correction)
20 x key marketing shots
with full post-production -
minor cosmetic retouching,
dodging and burning, etc

Standard + Bells + Whistles

£595 three locations
Shoot fee
Up to 10 products taken on shoot
Online gallery
to make selections from
All images provided from the shoot
with basic post production
(lens perspective + exposure correction)
30 x key marketing shots
with full post-production -
minor cosmetic retouching,
dodging and burning, etc

Creative Product Photography

Half Day

£345 photographing up to 5 products
£ - quote Please enquire
if complex set ups and
non-standard props require sourcing
Studio shoot
Basic post production
(colour & lens correction)
Online gallery
of unpolished images
to make selections from
10 key marketing images with full edits,
such as:
Minor cosmetic retouching
(scratches, dust, etc)
Dodging & Burning
(Selectively lighten and darken
areas of the image
for maximum impact)

Full Day

£595 photographing up to 10 products
£ - quote Please enquire
if complex set ups and
non-standard props require sourcing
Studio shoot
Basic post production
(colour & lens correction)
Online gallery
of unpolished images
to make selections from
20 key marketing images with full edits,
such as:
Minor cosmetic retouching
(scratches, dust, etc)
Dodging & Burning
(Selectively lighten and darken
areas of the image
for maximum impact)

Please add return postage & packing costs to the above prices.
Many thanks.